
Provider of Demographic Data

Our client is the USA-based provider of the census, demographic, and geographic data for academic and business researchers.

The project is under a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Country The USA
Industry Services
Thechnologies Magento, Rest API, MySql
Timeframe 6 months
Team Back-End Developer, Front-End Developer, QA Specialist, Project Manager
Magento Development From Scratch for the USA-based Provider of Demographic Data-5


Magento Development From Scratch 

The previous site was built on .NET and had numerous tech challenges, so our team was tasked with building a new version of the eCommerce website based on Magento 2. 

Provider of Demographic Data

eCommerce Consulting and Website Architecture

The previous version of the client’s website has the following issues that the new site on Magento 2 should solve:

  • Outdated technology and hosting
  • Issues with site management
  • Lack of “My Account” functionality
  • Email Automation
Provider of Demographic Data

Customisation and Magento Integration

After the migration of the old .NET shop to Magento 2 was finished, our experts were responsible for front-end and back-end development as well as smooth Magento integration.

Provider of Demographic Data


A whole scope of the WebMeridian team’s work include:

  • Magento Development From Scratch 
  • Migration of the Products’ Catalogue
  • Front-end Development  in accordance with the new design
  • Website Customisation: 
    • automatic authorisation, 
    • Products catalogue
    • Shopping cart and checkout
    • Payment options
    • Customers and order management
    • My Account
  • Quality Assurance during the entire development process
  • Working with the Rest API
  • Development of the Admin Panel for Magento 2 website that enhances content management capabilities 
Provider of Demographic Data


As a result of our close cooperation, client got a fully-functional eCommerce store running on Magento 2. The site customisation and integration increased direct sales significantly, which was important because eCommerce customers tend to be impatient with site speed. In addition, there was solved issue with admin panel and website navigation.

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